Waalhalla DUB | Brother B, Willow Hifi, Tin Wish Tin | Waalhalla, Nijmegen | 10-12-2023

NEWSFLASH! The 10th of December all reggae roads lead to @waalhalla , for @brotherb_nl and @willow_hifi string up a beautiful SOUNDSYSTEM stack of Willow Hifi (Nijmegen-based!). From 12 ‘o clock up until 17.00 we’ll be playing the finest ROOTS, ROCK, REGGAE together with live musical improvisation and players of instruments! Oldskool vinyl and newskool digital style.
Special guest and super glad to have this legendary dj from Nijmegen: mr @tin_wish_tin Eric Janssen! He joins us to facilitate some positivity pon the dance floor.
And: some vendors of records and jewellery’ll be joining too, so next to quality music and nice people, you’ll have something else to check.
So come, drop your kids at the skatepark, grab a drink and spend your Sunday dancing and chilling.
That Is The Way.
Free entrance, drinks and food deya.
FB: Waalhalla DUB Pre Party – Willow Hifi Soundsystem

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