House of Dread en Godzilla Soundsystem presenteren Ashanti Selah (UK). Rootsman Sax zal aanwezig zijn voor support op de saxofoon. De zesde editie van Dubhoven in Dynamo Eindhoven. Godzilla Soundsystem zal de sound verzorgen voor de zoon van UK legende Aba Shanti-I. Het event zal plaatsvinden op 27 augustus. De avond begint om 22.00 uur. In de benedenzaal van Dynamo Eindhoven. Eindtijd is 04.00 uur en er is voldoende parkeergelegenheid rondom Dynamo.
Dubhoven: Ashanti Selah. Musician / Dub Producer hailing from the UK. He is the eldest son of the world-renowned soundman, Aba Shanti-I. Starting the mystical journey for his keen interest in playing music came from his early days. He was exposed to the sound system culture. This happened hrough his father and their musical infrastructure. Ashanti Selah was a regular attendee at his father’s location in the Notting Hill Carnival. Also, travelling with the sound as a crew member to various sessions in the UK & to Europe.
As well as working on his own productions – Ashanti makes use of his musical abilities as a performer in various bands as keyboardist and has had the pleasure of working and collaborating with a number of great singers, musicians & producers in the scene.
“Keeping the Roots & Culture fire burning bright, so ashanti Selah is set to play a crucial role in the future of conscious sound system music”.