Miriam Simone Higher Heights. ZenSocial Productions are proud to present ‘HIGHER HEIGHTS’. The first single on our brand new Label ZenSocial Records. ‘HIGHER HEIGHTS’ By Empress Miriam Simone and Jah Works is a beautiful tune about love and healing

Download&Stream: https://zensocialrecords.bandcamp.com. Lyrics and vocals by: Empress Miriam Simone. Music written & performed by Jah Rej & Louie Melody (Gwari Music). Recorded at: Gwari Studio Portugal & Earth Works Studio Amsterdam. Mixed at: Earth Works Studio Amsterdam by Jah Rej (Jah Works). Artwork, Video & Photography by: Chris Page. Released May 12, 2021
Empress Miriam Simone is een veelbelovende reggaezangeres en radio-dj uit Nederland met Surinaamse roots. Empress Miriam Simoone begint op jonge leeftijd met zingen en werd beïnvloed door o.a. Mary J. Blige, Sade en Aretha Franklin. In 2009 focust ze zich echter volledig op reggae. Sindsdien brengt ze diverse singles, mixtapes en EP’s uit. Deze avond presenteert Miriam Simone haar nieuwste album ‘Amsterdam Revival’. Een heerlijke rootsreggae-plaat waarop ze o.a. samenwerkt met Jamaicaanse sterren als Capleton en Sizzla. – Empress Miriam Simone Higher Heights
Reggae Agenda info
This Reggae concert & festival agenda has been around since 2013 and is intended to generate more attention for the very talented Dutch reggae acts. We offer a complete overview of reggae concerts and festivals in the Netherlands and Europe. This site is made by and for reggae lovers! This platform is completely independent and in no way intended to be judgmental. We support everyone who does or wants to do something with reggae. Contact us if you want to add an event, report a release or anything else with Reggae music.